On arrival to Inter-Milan in 1997, Ronaldo became the idol14 of the local fans who refer to him as “il Fenomeno15.” Since the 98 World Cup he has suffered o serious knee injuries that have severely limited his appearances. Just when people began to wonder whether Ronaldo would be able to continue with his football career,60场比赛进了58粒球, a Spanish League Cup。
在韩日举行的世界杯上,这位神奇的前锋获得金靴奖, Inter Milan, AC Milan, the four giants of the players, the lifetime of countless brilliant goals,世界杯历史*射手, Ronaldo s biography10 is one of success after success. Two Copa América s11, a UEFA12 Cup, a Dutch Cup,一届亚军,世界杯金球奖, he proved to the world that he still could play. In the World Cup held in Korea and Japan, the magical striker16 won the Golden Shoe award and tied Pele s Brazilian record for career World Cup goals with 12, people simply call him an "alienquot,罗纳尔多经历了两次严重的膝伤,这极大地限制了他上场踢球的时间。
正当人们怀疑他是否能继续踢球的时候,他向全世界证明他风采依旧. He helped Brazil capture17 its fifth World Cup championship on June 30 with a 2-0 win over Germany,两届世界杯*, and o awards as best player in the world,人们干脆称呼他为“外星人”,一个时代的球王。
祝你演讲成功!、一次荷兰杯*, he joined S?o Cristov?o3 soccer club and only o years later became the star of Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte4 scoring a total of 58 goals in 60 matches and earning himself a reputation for his explosive5 pace and outstanding finishing skills. His goal-scoring record and unusual agility6 led him to be included in the Brazilian World Cup winning team the following year. After the World Cup、两届欧洲金球奖得主,他加盟圣克里斯托旺足球俱乐部,仅仅两年后他就成长为克鲁塞罗俱乐部的明星。
罗纳尔多是三届世界足球先生:两次美洲杯*, World Cup Golden Ball, World Cup History top scorer, the only effect of Real Madrid, Barcelona. At the age of 14。
14岁的时候, next runner-up, all in the space of o years, are some of Ronaldo s impressive13 achievements、两次获得世界*球员奖、一次西班牙联赛*,都认为他是同代人中最有希望的足球运动员,罗纳尔多取得了一次又一次的成功,*效力过皇家马德里,巴塞罗那,快捷有力的步伐和非凡的射门技巧令其名声大噪,世界杯金球奖金靴奖得主. It was the third time that Ronaldo has ever played in the World Cup. Ronaldo is the three-time World Player of the Year, o-time European Golden Ball winner, World Cup Golden Boot Golden Ball winner, o-time World Cup champion, referred to him as the most promising8 footballer of his generation. Since his transfer to Dutch team PSV Eindhoven9. Many people, including Brazilian football legend Pelé7, many top European football clubs were trying to sign himRonaldo King of the World Biography Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima1 was born on 22 September 1976 in a poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro2. Like most of his childhood friends, Ronaldo began his soccer career playing barefoot in the streets of his neighborhood;, an era of world number one.This is Ronaldo, hero of soccer.世界球王--罗纳尔多 罗纳尔多1976年9月22日出生在里约热内卢的贫困郊区,他射门得分的纪录以及超凡的敏捷使他入选巴西国家队参加世界杯,以12粒进球平了贝利创造的世界杯进球纪录。
我眼中的“c罗” “c罗”全名叫“克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多”、又叫“小小罗”,是葡萄牙足球运动员,现效力于英超曼联,也是葡萄牙国家足球队的队长。
当这位新科世界足球先生驰骋绿茵场上的时候,有谁能想到他只有二十三岁呢? c罗的成长之路并不是一帆风顺的。
” 我喜爱c罗,祝愿他在世界足坛再创辉煌,带给人们更多的惊喜。
Cristiano ronaldo, the Portuguese football player, is now playing for the Spanish football club, real Madrid and Portugal national team captain.Cristiano ronaldo dribbling speed, good at break through and shooting, have strong physique, technique is very prehensive, is one of the most outstanding player in world football today克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多,葡萄牙足球运动员,现效力于西甲皇家马德里足球俱乐部,身兼葡萄牙国家队队长。
跪求采纳 任务ing c·罗纳尔多 英文名称:Cristiano Ronaldo 粤语译音:C.朗纳度 国籍: 葡萄牙 出生日期:1985.02.05 星期一 出生地点:葡萄牙马德埃拉 婚姻状况:未婚 身高: 188cm 体重: 79kg 血型: O型 场上位置:前锋 现效力球队:曼联 曾效力球队:里斯本竞技 国民队 场上编号: 7 转会记录: 2003年8月12日以转会费1224万英镑由本菲卡转入曼联 首场英超联赛:2003年8月16日代表曼联队主场5:1胜博尔顿队 星座:水瓶座 属相:牛 最喜欢的颜色:白色 儿时绰号:克鲁伊维特(当时荷兰的克鲁伊维特名声鹊起) 少年偶像:马拉多纳 偶像:菲戈和亨利 最想遇见的人:迈克.泰森 最喜欢的电影明星:尚格云顿 最喜欢的电影:第六感 勇闯夺命岛 最喜欢的女演员:安吉丽娜·朱丽 最喜欢的食物:"Bacalhau a Braz"(一种葡萄牙食品,主料是鳕鱼,辅以土豆和炒鸡蛋) 最喜欢的饮料:"Santal" (一种当地的果饮) 最喜欢的音乐:舞曲 *的一张CD: "Almas del Silencio"(里奇·马丁) FM2007潜力:192 个人简介: 与足坛第一前锋同名,身披足坛第一人气明星贝克汉姆在曼联留下的7号,世界足坛最炙手可热的新星被昵称为小小罗,2003年夏天年仅18岁的小小罗以1224万英镑的身价从里斯本竞技转会曼联,开始延续曼联7号的神奇之路。
他的名字 与世界足球先生同姓不是他的错。
独树一帜的踩单车 罗纳尔多之所以吸引了那么多人的注意,他一定拥有某项特别突出的技术,那就是他的“踩单车”。
葡萄牙年轻代表 小小罗出生于1985年2月9日,年少成名的他起步很高,17岁效力于葡萄牙劲旅里斯本竞技,仅仅1个赛季之后,便成功加入英超红魔曼联,接过了贝克汉姆的7号球衣。
Cristiano Ronaldo,born on February 5th 1985,a Portuguese footballer who plays as a winger or striker for Spanish club Real Madrid and the captain of the Portuguese national team.Ronaldo began his career as a youth player for Andorinha,where he played for o years,before moving to Nacional.He was the first player to win all four main PFA and FWA awards.In addition,he won the European Golden Shoe award o times,being the first player to win the trophy in o different championships.克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多出生于1985年2月5日,葡萄牙足球运动员,在西班牙皇家马德里俱乐部踢边锋或者前锋,也是葡萄牙国家队的队长.罗纳尔多在年轻的时候就开始了足球生涯,在进入国家队之前,他为安多里尼亚队踢了两年的球.他是第一个赢得四项PFA和FWA奖的运动员.另外,他还两次获得欧洲金靴奖,成为第一个在两场不同锦标赛中揽到战利品的选手.【人工翻译,】
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Hello, everyone. Today I want to introduce Ronaldo. In 1991, 7-year-old Ronaldo joined an amateur club called andolinia football club in Madeira, Portugal. His performance attracted the attention of Madeira national football club,so Ronaldo joined the club.
Ronaldo's free kick is famous for its strength, especially the free kick 30 meters away from the goal. All Ronaldo's skills come from his speed. After losing the Coppa Italia final, Ronaldo was under great pressure.
But obviously, the pressure will not defeat him. He said on social media that he will never give up and always focus on the next game.
Ronaldo wanted to be the world's best athlete when he was a child. At that time, many people thought he was talking big, but unexpectedly, Ronaldo really succeeded with his professional attitude and innate advantages.
C罗的任意球以力量著称,特别是距离球门30米以外的任意球C罗最有把握得分。C罗的所有技术都是来源于他的速度很快。 在输掉意大利杯决赛之后,C罗背负着很大的压力。但很显然,压力并不会击溃他,他在社交媒体上表示永远不会放弃,永远专注于下一场比赛。
1. 关于C罗的作文
2. 我的偶像c罗作文500字
3. 值得尊敬的人c罗作文
4. 写c罗的英语作文
"Cristiano ronaldo in my eyes."
"Cristiano ronaldo" full name is "cristiano ronaldo", also called "ronaldo", is the Portuguese football player, now, Portugal - united captain of the national team.
"Cristiano ronaldo" with a strong body and a ZhangQingXiu face, with excellent ball's dazzling talent, technology and strong ability of the ball and has now bee the world of football a young top stars. When the new world footballer on matters on-the-field gallop, who can think that he only enty-three years old?
Cristiano ronaldo's growth path is not easy. European cup, he missed penalty, put the trophy throwing away, In the club, with his team-mate Wayne rooney is not spread widely; The Olympic game, because, the group is not qualify, and then sayin plume end.
However, this all doesn't bee C LuoCheng long obstacles, now received the captain's armband ronaldo represents the Portuguese football future hope, "young 15, walking horse won the hu exceeds 20 on". Cristiano ronaldo is modest about his future: "I don't think I be a genius, if not today, tomorrow will be trained. My family will help me, I will grasp the direction to lose yourself."
I like cristiano ronaldo, wish him in world football and create brilliant brings more surprise.
5. 我的偶像c罗 作文网
"Cristiano ronaldo in my eyes."
"Cristiano ronaldo" full name is "cristiano ronaldo", also called "ronaldo", is the Portuguese football player, now, Portugal - united captain of the national team.
"Cristiano ronaldo" with a strong body and a ZhangQingXiu face, with excellent ball's dazzling talent, technology and strong ability of the ball and has now bee the world of football a young top stars. When the new world footballer on matters on-the-field gallop, who can think that he only enty-three years old?
Cristiano ronaldo's growth path is not easy. European cup, he missed penalty, put the trophy throwing away, In the club, with his team-mate Wayne rooney is not spread widely; The Olympic game, because, the group is not qualify, and then sayin plume end.
However, this all doesn't bee C LuoCheng long obstacles, now received the captain's armband ronaldo represents the Portuguese football future hope, "young 15, walking horse won the hu exceeds 20 on". Cristiano ronaldo is modest about his future: "I don't think I be a genius, if not today, tomorrow will be trained. My family will help me, I will grasp the direction to lose yourself."
I like cristiano ronaldo, wish him in world football and create brilliant brings more surprise.
"Cristiano ronaldo in my eyes."
"Cristiano ronaldo" full name is "cristiano ronaldo",also called "ronaldo",is the Portuguese football player,now,Portugal - united captain of the national team.
"Cristiano ronaldo" with a strong body and a ZhangQingXiu face,with excellent ball's dazzling talent,technology and strong ability of the ball and has now become the world of football a young top stars.When the new world footballer on matters on-the-field gallop,who can think that he only twenty-three years old?
Cristiano ronaldo's growth path is not easy.European cup,he missed penalty,put the trophy throwing away,In the club,with his team-mate Wayne rooney is not spread widely; The Olympic game,because,the group is not qualify,and then sayin plume end.
However,this all doesn't become C LuoCheng long obstacles,now received the captain's armband ronaldo represents the Portuguese football future hope,"young 15,walking horse won the hu exceeds 20 on".Cristiano ronaldo is modest about his future:"I don't think I be a genius,if not today,tomorrow will be trained.My family will help me,I will grasp the direction to lose yourself."
I like cristiano ronaldo,wish him in world football and create brilliant brings more surprise.