
2023-04-12 23:15:53 体育信息 zudcetg



里奥·梅西(Lionel Messi),1987年6月24日出生于圣菲省罗萨里奥市,阿根廷足球运动员。





Lionel Messi

Lionel Andrés "Leo" Messi(Spanish pronunciation: [ljo#712;nel an#712;d#638;es #712;mesi]) (born 24 June 1987) is an Argentine football player.[7] He plays for Barcelona as a forward or winger. He also has Spanish citizenship, meaning he can play as an EU player. He is one of the best football players of all time. Many people say that he is the world's best player. Messi received several Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year by the age of 22. His playing style and ability are similar to Diego Maradona.

Messi began football at a young age and his potential was quickly

seen by Barcelona. He left Newell's Old Boys's youth team in 2000 and

moved with his family to Europe for the club. They moved because

Barcelona offered treatment for his growth hormone deficiency. He debut in the 2004–05 season, and he broke his team record for the youngest footballer to score a goal. Barcelona won La Liga in Messi's debut season, and won a double of the league and Champions League in 2006. Hisfirst very good season was in the 2006–07 season; he became a first team regular, scoring a hat-trick in El Clásico. He scored 14 goals in 26 league games. Maybe his most successful season was the 2008–09 season. In this season, Messi scored 38 goals. In the following 2009–10 season, Messi scored 47 goals in all games. That equals to Ronaldo's record total for Barcelona. He is on the cover of PES 2010, PES 2011, PES 2015, and PES 2016.


莱昂内尔·安德列斯·梅西(西班牙语:Lionel Andrés Messi),肆拿皮1987年6月24日生于阿根廷圣菲省罗萨里奥,绰号“新马拉多纳”,阿根廷*足敏兆球运动员,司职前锋、边锋和前腰,现效力于西班牙足球甲级联赛巴塞罗那足球俱乐部。

2014年5月,梅西正式在新合同上落笔签字,以2000万的年薪超C罗成为足坛第一。2014年6月,梅西代表阿根廷国家队征战2014年巴西世界杯。赛后,梅西力压德国诸将,获得金球奖。2014年11月,在巴塞罗那5比1战胜塞维利亚,梅西打破西甲历史进球纪录,提高到了253球。2014年12月20日,梅西被IFFHS评为2013年世界职业联赛的*射手奖 。2015年2月4日,西班牙职业足球联裂差盟(LFP)公布了1月西甲*阵容,梅西入围*前锋。2015年8月27日,欧洲*联赛小组赛抽签暨欧洲*球员颁奖典礼在蒙特卡洛的格里马尔迪会议中心举行。梅西压过队友苏亚雷斯和C罗,成为2次荣膺欧洲*球员的第1人。2015年12月28日,梅西在迪拜荣膺环球足球2015年年度*球员。2016年1月12日,梅西荣膺2015年度FIFA金球奖,五度得奖创纪录。


Lionel Andrés Messi was born on June 24, 1987 in Argentina. He began to join a football club in 1995 when he was only 7 years old. He played football there for 5 years. At the age of 13, Messi went to Barcelona. In 2003, he not only took part in his first match but also won the match. When he was 20 in 2005, he became one of the best, the youngest and the most popular football players.



英文名:Lionel Andres Messi 中文名:里孙丛奥·安德列斯·梅西 昵称:leo(小名)、pulga(西班牙)、rere(阿根廷) 外号:小跳蚤形容其完美的一对一能力 国籍:阿根廷 俱乐部:巴塞罗那足球俱乐部 位置:右边锋 前腰 影子前锋 右前卫 中锋 出生日期:1987年6月24日 出生体重及身长:3公斤,47公分里奥.梅西 星座:巨蟹座 出生地:阿根廷 圣菲省 罗萨里奥市 用脚:左脚 国家队号码:10 2006世界杯号码:19 俱乐部号码:10 效力俱乐部历史: 1995-2000 阿根廷 纽维尔老男孩足球俱乐部 2000-2004 西班牙 巴塞罗那B队 2004至今 巴塞罗那队 国家队生涯:阿根廷 家庭状况双亲:豪尔赫和西里娅,大哥,嫂子,侄子和侄女,二哥,小妹妹 年薪:1100万欧元+300万浮动 2009总收入2860万欧元 阿根廷10号



2009-10赛季 西班牙甲级联赛* 2009-10赛季 世俱杯* 2008-09赛季 欧洲超级杯* 2008-09赛季 西班牙超级杯 2008-09赛季 欧洲*联赛* 2008-09赛季 西班牙甲级联赛* 2008-09赛季 西班牙国王杯 2006-07赛季 西班牙超级杯梅西庆祝进球 2005-06赛季 欧洲*联赛* 2005-06赛季 西甲* 2005-06赛季 西班牙超级杯






2005年世青赛*射手,*球员 05/06欧洲21岁以下金球奖——金童奖(都灵体育报) 2005年阿根廷足球先生 05/06欧冠*新人 05/06FIFPro *新人 06/07入选欧足联评选*阵容 06/07年度*西甲拉美球员 2007年世界足球先生第二名 2007年金球奖第三名 06/07西班牙*外援 06/07阿根廷*海外球员 06/07体育画报*运动员 意大利体育邮报2007度世界*阵容,南美*阵容 欧洲*时尚杂志《GQ》2007年度西班牙最性感先生 2007年欧洲*新秀奖(米兰体育报) 2007年度最有价值球员(每日则银樱体育报) 06-07赛季西甲*拉丁美洲球员 “连过五人搏搜”的进球在06-07赛季以及2007年度各项进球排行榜上均列首位 2007年度西班牙国家体育奖*拉美运动员 07/08西班牙《公众报》评选的*外援 入选体坛周报07/08赛季西甲*阵容及“欧洲体育”欧洲*阵容 2007/2008赛季FIFPro(国际职业球员联盟)年度*阵容。 2008年度欧洲金球奖评选第二位(银球奖) 2008年世界足球先生第二名 08/09西班牙国王杯金靴奖 08/09欧洲*联赛金靴奖 2008-09赛季西甲*外籍球员 2008-09赛季欧洲体育杂志联盟(ESM)公布了2008/09赛季欧洲* 2008-09第二屇迪斯蒂法诺杯得主 2008-09年度拉美*运动员奖梅西在赛场 2008-09赛季欧洲*联赛*前锋 2008-09赛季欧洲*联赛*球员 2008-09赛季西甲联赛*球员 2008-09赛季西甲联赛*前锋 2009年欧洲金球奖得主


2009-10赛季 西班牙甲级联赛* 2008-09赛季 欧洲超级杯* 2009年世俱杯* 2009年西班牙超级杯 2008-09赛季欧洲*联赛* 2008-09赛季西班牙甲级联赛* 2008-09赛季西班牙国王杯 2005-06赛季西班牙超级杯* 2005-06赛季欧洲*联赛* 2005-06赛季西甲* 2004-05西班牙超级杯* 2004-05赛季西甲*






20世纪初,第一次世界大战的前兆已经在欧洲出现。为了躲避这场无法预见的战争,一位名叫阿尼塞托·梅西的意大利人,带着妻子移民到了阿根廷。他们最后在圣菲省距离罗萨里奥不远的一座小城市定居。在这里,他们迎来了儿子欧塞维奥·梅西的诞生。 欧塞维奥长大后,迎娶了一位加泰罗尼亚移民的女儿——罗萨·玛利亚,她的父母是在19世纪末从西班牙来到阿根廷的。欧塞维奥和罗萨先是生了一个女儿,之后又有了一个儿子,取名为豪尔赫·梅西。豪尔赫长大后,同样娶了邻家一位加泰罗尼亚移民的后代:塞丽亚·玛利亚。豪尔赫在罗萨里奥找到了工作,并在那里安家,接着,夫妇俩先后有了4个孩子:罗德里格、马蒂亚斯、利昂内尔和玛利亚索尔。 梅西是自然分娩,在他手上的出生卡上写着:3公斤,47厘米。为梅西接生的医生叫做奥德托,他也是梅西两个哥哥的接生大夫。奥德托回忆说:“很多年以后的一天,我在报纸上看到一张熟悉的面孔……那是我才知道,梅西竟是从我手上来到了这个世界。这种感觉太美呢,小他一岁的阿奎罗都已经当爹了,在这方面梅西的天赋可算不上有多出色。


Lionel Messi

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Messi" redirects here. For the biopic, see Messi (film).

This name uses Spanish naming customs: the first or paternal family name is Messi and the second or maternal family name is Cuccittini.

Lionel Messi

Messi playing for Argentina in the 2014 FIFA World Cup Final

Personal information

Full name

Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini[1]

Date of birth

24 June 1987 (age 27)

Place of birth

Rosario, Argentina


1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)[2]

Playing position


Club information

Current team




Youth career


Newell's Old Boys



Senior career*






Barcelona C




Barcelona B







National team‡


Argentina U20




Argentina U23








* Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23 May 2015.

† Appearances (Goals).

‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 12 November 2014

Lionel Andrés "Leo" Messi Cuccittini (Spanish pronunciation: [ljoˈnel anˈdɾes ˈmesi] ( listen); born 24 June 1987) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays for Spanish club FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team. He is a forward and serves as captain for Argentina.

By the age of 21, Messi had received Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year nominations. The following year, in 2009, he won his first Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year awards. He followed this up by winning the inaugural FIFA Ballon d'Or in 2010, and then again in 2011 and 2012. He also won the 2010–11 UEFA Best Player in Europe Award. At the age of 24, Messi became Barcelona's all-time top scorer

in all official club competitions. In September 2014 he scored his

400th senior career goal for club and country aged just 27. In November

2014, Messi became the all-time top scorer in La Liga, and the all-time leading goalscorer in the UEFA Champions League.

Often considered the best player in the world and rated by some in the sport as the greatest of all time,[3][4][5][6][7][8] Messi is the first football player in history to win four FIFA/Ballons d'Or, all of which he won consecutively, and the first to win three European Golden Shoe awards. With Barcelona, Messi has won seven La Ligas, three Copas del Rey, six Supercopas de España, three UEFA Champions Leagues, two UEFA Super Cups and two FIFA Club World Cups.

Messi is the only player to top-score in four consecutive Champions League seasons, and also holds the record for the most hat-tricks scored in the competition

with five. In March 2012, he made Champions League history by becoming

the first player to score five goals in one match. In the 2011–12

season, Messi set the European record for most goals scored in a season with 73 goals, set the goalscoring record in a single La Liga season with 50 goals, and became the second player ever to score in six different official competitions in one season after Pedro.[9]

In February 2013 he scored his 300th Barcelona goal. On 30 March 2013,

Messi scored in his 19th consecutive La Liga game, becoming the first

footballer in history to net in consecutive matches against every team

in a professional football league. He extended his record scoring streak

to 21 consecutive league matches. In March 2014, with a hat-trick

against Real Madrid, Messi became the player with the most goals and most hat-tricks in the history of El Clásico. In October 2014, Messi, aged 27, became the youngest player to score 250 goals in La Liga. In November 2014, Messi scored a hat-trick against Sevilla to reach 253 La Liga goals, becoming the all-time top scorer in La Liga. In May 2015, he scored his 77th Champions League goal to become its all-time leading scorer.

Messi helped Argentina win the 2005 FIFA U-20 World Cup, finishing as both the best player and the top scorer (with six goals). In 2006, he became the youngest Argentine to play and score in the FIFA World Cup, and won a runners-up medal at the Copa América in 2007, in which he was named young player of the tournament. In 2008, he won an Olympic Gold Medal with the Argentina Olympic football team. At the 2014 World Cup, he led Argentina to the final, winning four consecutive Man of the Match awards in the process, and received the Golden Ball award as the best player of the tournament. In 2013, SportsPro rated him the second-most marketable athlete in the world.[10] His playing style and stature have drawn comparisons to compatriot Diego Maradona, who himself declared Messi his "successor".[11]

